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What are negative keywords in google ads?

Negative keywords in Google Ads are specific words or phrases that you designate to prevent your ads from being triggered by certain search queries. By adding negative keywords to your Google Ads campaigns, you can refine your targeting and ensure that your ads are shown to the most relevant audience. This helps to improve the overall quality of your traffic and can increase the return on investment (ROI) for your advertising budget.

For example, if you sell high-end luxury watches but not budget or replica watches, you might add “cheap,” “replica,” and “affordable” as negative keywords. This way, when users search for terms like “cheap luxury watches” or “replica watches,” your ads won’t be displayed to them, saving your budget for more relevant searches.

Negative keywords can be applied at the campaign or ad group level, allowing for fine-tuned control over where your ads appear. Regularly reviewing and updating your list of negative keywords is important to ensure that your ads are avoiding irrelevant searches and reaching the right audience.

How to add negative keywords?

To add negative keywords in Google Ads, follow these steps:

Sign in to your Google Ads account:

Access your Google Ads account by visiting and sign in with your credentials.

Navigate to the Campaigns or Ad Groups:

Choose whether you want to add negative keywords at the campaign level or the ad group level.

Select the Campaign or Ad Group:

Click on the campaign or ad group where you want to add negative keywords.

Click on “Keywords” in the left-hand menu:

This will take you to the Keywords section for the selected campaign or ad group.

Click on “Negative Keywords”:

Look for the “Negative Keywords” tab, which may be under the “Keywords” tab. Click on it to access the negative keyword settings.

Click on the plus button to add negative keywords:

You should see an option to add negative keywords. Click on the plus button or any relevant option to start adding negative keywords.

Enter your negative keywords:

In the provided field, enter the negative keywords that you want to add. For example, if you sell luxury watches, you might add negative keywords like “cheap,” “replica,” or “affordable.”

Choose the match type:

Similar to regular keywords, you can specify the match type for your negative keywords, such as broad match, phrase match, or exact match. Choose the match type that best fits your needs.

Save your changes:

After entering the negative keywords, be sure to save your changes to apply them to your campaign or ad group.

Review and update regularly:

Periodically review your negative keyword list and update it based on the performance of your ads and changes in your business focus.

By adding negative keywords, you can optimize your ad targeting and reduce the likelihood of your ads being displayed for irrelevant searches. This helps you to better reach your target audience and improve the overall efficiency of your Google Ads campaigns.

How does negative keywords work in Google ads?

Negative keywords work in Google Ads by preventing your ads from being shown for specific search terms or phrases that are deemed irrelevant to your campaign goals. When you add negative keywords to your Google Ads campaign, you essentially tell Google not to display your ads when users search for those particular terms.

Here’s how negative keywords work in more detail:

Refining Ad Targeting:

By adding negative keywords, you refine the targeting of your ads. This is important to ensure that your ads are shown to users who are more likely to be interested in your products or services.

Preventing Irrelevant Impressions:

When a user enters a search query that contains one of your negative keywords, Google’s algorithm will exclude your ads from the auction for that search. This helps prevent your ads from appearing for searches that are unlikely to lead to conversions.

Improving Ad Relevance:

Using negative keywords improves the relevance of your ads to the user’s search intent. Irrelevant clicks can be costly, and by avoiding them, you can enhance the overall quality of your traffic.

Setting Match Types:

Similar to regular keywords, negative keywords can be assigned match types such as broad match, phrase match, or exact match. This allows you to control the specificity of the excluded terms.

Campaign and Ad Group Level:

You can apply negative keywords at both the campaign and ad group levels. Applying them at the campaign level affects all ad groups within that campaign, while ad group-level negatives only impact the specific ad group.

Regular Review and Updates:

It’s essential to regularly review and update your list of negative keywords. As your business evolves or as new trends emerge, you may need to adjust your negative keyword strategy to maintain optimal ad targeting.

For example, if you sell high-end watches, you might use negative keywords like “cheap watches” or “discount watches” to avoid appearing in searches related to low-cost alternatives. This way, you can focus your ad budget on users more likely to purchase your premium products.

In summary, negative keywords give advertisers control over when and where their ads appear, helping to increase ad relevance, reduce irrelevant clicks, and improve the overall performance of Google Ads campaigns.

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