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How To Setup Conversion Tracking In Google Ads

Setting up conversion tracking in Google Ads is crucial for understanding the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns and optimizing them for better results. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you set up conversion tracking:

Step 1: Sign in to Your Google Ads Account
Log in to your Google Ads account at

Step 2: Access the “Tools & Settings” Menu
Once you’re logged in, click on the tools icon (wrench icon) in the upper-right corner of the Google Ads interface.

Step 3: Click on “Conversions”
Under the “Measurement” section, click on “Conversions.”

Step 4: Click the “+” Button to Create a New Conversion Action
On the “Conversions” page, click the plus sign (+) to create a new conversion action.

Step 5: Choose a Conversion Source
Select the source of your conversions. For most website actions, you’ll choose “Website.”

Step 6: Choose a Conversion Action Type
Choose the type of conversion you want to track. Common types include:

  • Purchase/Sale: Track completed transactions on your website.
  • Lead: Track sign-ups, inquiries, or form submissions.
  • Page View: Track visits to a specific page on your website.
  • Sign-up: Track new user registrations on your site.

Select the one that best fits your conversion goal.

Step 7: Configure Conversion Settings
Provide details about your conversion, including the conversion name, value (if applicable), counting method (one or many), and conversion window (the time frame in which a conversion is credited to your ads).

Step 8: Set Up Conversion Tracking Tags
After configuring the settings, Google Ads will provide a tracking tag. This tag must be added to the webpage where the conversion occurs. There are two ways to add the tag:

  • Use Google Tag Manager: If you’re using Google Tag Manager, you can add the conversion tag directly in Tag Manager.
  • Manually Add the Tag: If you’re not using Tag Manager, you can copy the generated code and add it to the relevant pages on your website.

Step 9: Verify Your Tag Implementation
After adding the tag, it’s essential to verify its implementation. Google Ads provides a “Tag setup” page where you can check if the tag is actively recording conversions.

Step 10: Save and Test
Save your conversion action, and consider testing it by performing a test conversion on your website to ensure that the tracking is working correctly.

Remember that conversion data might take some time to appear in your Google Ads account.

By completing these steps, you’ll have successfully set up conversion tracking in Google Ads, allowing you to measure and optimize your advertising performance.

How to add Google Ads Conversion Tags in Google Tag Manager?

Adding Google Ads Conversion Tags using Google Tag Manager involves several steps. The conversion tag is a piece of code that you place on your website to track specific actions that users take after clicking on your Google Ads. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. Access Google Tag Manager:

2. Open your Container:

  • Select the container for the website where you want to add the conversion tag.

3. Create a new Tag:

  • In the left-hand menu, click on “Tags.”
  • Click the “+ New” button to create a new tag.

4. Choose a Tag Configuration:

  • Under “Tag Configuration,” select “Google Ads Conversion Tracking.”

5. Configure the Conversion Tracking Tag:

  • Fill in the required information, including Conversion ID and Conversion Label.
  • You can find the Conversion ID and Conversion Label in your Google Ads account under “Conversions” > “Conversion actions.”

6. Set Up Triggering:

  • Under “Triggering,” choose when you want the tag to fire. This could be on specific pages or after specific interactions.

7. Save the Tag:

  • Click on “Save” to save your tag configuration.

8. Preview and Debug (Optional):

  • Before publishing changes, you can use the “Preview” mode to test your tag. This allows you to see how your tags behave on your site without affecting the live version.

9. Publish the Changes:

  • Once you’ve tested and are satisfied with your tag setup, click the “Submit” button in the top-right corner of the Google Tag Manager interface to publish your changes.

10. Verify in Google Ads:

  • After publishing, go to your Google Ads account and navigate to “Conversions” > “Conversions” to verify that the tag is receiving data.

Remember that Google Ads Conversion Tags should be placed on the final page users see after completing the conversion (e.g., the thank-you or confirmation page). Ensure your website’s privacy policy complies with Google’s advertising policies.

Setting Up Conversion Tracking with Google Analytics

Integrating Google Analytics with Google Ads for conversion tracking provides a comprehensive view of user behavior and campaign performance. Here’s a step-by-step guide on setting up conversion tracking with Google Analytics:

Step 1: Link Google Analytics and Google Ads Accounts:

  1. Sign in to Google Analytics:
    Log in to your Google Analytics account at
  2. Select the Property:
    Choose the property for which you want to set up conversion tracking.
  3. Go to Admin:
    In the bottom-left corner, click on “Admin.”
  4. Select the Property and View:
    In the “Property” column, select the property you’re working with. Then, choose the “View” where you want to set up goals.
  5. Link Google Ads:
    In the “Property” column, click on “Google Ads Linking.” Follow the prompts to link your Google Ads account.

Step 2: Enable Auto-Tagging in Google Ads:

  1. Sign in to Google Ads:
    Go to and sign in to your Google Ads account.
  2. Go to Account Settings:
    Click on the tools icon (wrench) in the upper-right corner. Under “Setup,” click on “Account settings.”
  3. Enable Auto-Tagging:
    In the “Preferences” tab, find the “Auto-tagging” section and make sure it’s enabled.

Step 3: Import Google Analytics Goals into Google Ads:

  1. Sign in to Google Ads:
    Go to and sign in to your Google Ads account.
  2. Go to Conversions:
    Click on the tools icon (wrench), and under “Measurement,” click on “Conversions.”
  3. Click the “+” Button to Create a New Conversion Action:
    Choose “Import” to import goals from Google Analytics.
  4. Select Google Analytics Account and Property:
    Choose the Google Analytics account and property linked to your Google Ads account.
  5. Choose Goals to Import:
    Select the goals from Google Analytics that you want to import as conversions.
  6. Configure Settings:
    Set up conversion settings, such as the counting method and conversion window.
  7. Complete Import:
    Click “Import” to complete the process.

Step 4: Verify Conversion Tracking:

  1. Check Google Ads:
    After importing, check the “Conversions” page in Google Ads to ensure the goals are listed.
  2. Verify in Google Analytics:
    In Google Analytics, go to the “Conversions” section to verify that the goals are being tracked.

Step 5: Set Up E-commerce Tracking (Optional):

If you have an e-commerce website, you can set up e-commerce tracking for more detailed conversion data.

  1. Enable E-commerce in Google Analytics:
    In Google Analytics, go to the Admin section, select your property, and enable e-commerce settings.
  2. Add E-commerce Tracking Code:
    Add the e-commerce tracking code to your website’s purchase confirmation page.

By completing these steps, you’ll have set up conversion tracking with Google Analytics and Google Ads, allowing you to analyze user behavior and optimize your advertising campaigns based on valuable insights.

Understanding the Importance of Conversion Tracking

Conversion tracking is vital as it reveals which Google Ads campaigns effectively generate leads and sales. This information is pivotal for determining ROI and ensuring the efficiency of your Google Ads expenditure.

Conversion tracking aids in measuring:

  • Conversions per keyword, ad, and campaign
  • Overall Google Ads conversion rate
  • Cost per conversion

Tracking up to 15 conversion actions in Google Ads allows flexibility in monitoring various conversions. Begin with essential conversions and add more as needed.

In summary, setting up conversion tracking on Google Ads is indispensable for any business engaged in Google Ads campaigns. This process facilitates accurate measurement of ROI and optimization for campaign success. Follow the outlined steps to initiate conversion tracking and effectively monitor lead generation and sales.

For assistance or inquiries, feel free to contact Digital Road. We are here to help you get started.

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